Donderdag 31 januari 2019

Marketing & Communicatie

Itzik Amiel

'The Attention Switch'

Do you get results from networking events? Do you know how to connect to the right people? Do you nurture your relationships on a regular basis? Struggling with getting your relationships to help you to grow your business? If any of these questions resonate with you, this is a must attend event. (English spoken)

The Attention Switch
Itzik will share the 7 secrets to building your Relations Capital based on his bestselling book: 'The Attention Switch™'. In this presentation, Itzik will focus on helping you identifying the people critical to your success and developing strategies to build relations and grow your business and referrals. These strategies based on his bestselling book: 'The Attention Switch'. If you want to be connected, make yourself worth connecting to. It's a journey, and every step counts. 

More info about Itzik:  
Itzik's Reel movie:  

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