Business & Management
India is one the few regions in the world today experiencing high levels of growth and an unprecedented level of participation in the global economy through direct trade and interventions by it's companies, large and small. India's impact on the world economy and its unique effect on the world demography is here to stay and will only increase in the coming decades. An entrepreneur today would be wise to dwell on how the phenomenon that is India will impact his/her business and what opportunities it can offer. Every entrepreneur, every company today should have actively thought of and defined an India strategy. This seminar, organized by the India Table of the Industrieele Groote Club will focus on how some Dutch companies, large and small, made their move in India. Questions to answered will be: How did they analyse the opportunities, how did they develop their strategy and how they actioned their strategy. What have they learned and what would be their advice to newcomers in India…
De samenstellers van het Historisch Sprekers Archief hebben grote zorgvuldigheid betracht bij het verzamelen en citeren van de gegevens die hoofdzakelijk afkomstig zijn uit de archieven van de Koninklijke Industrieele Groote Club en eerder via de website openbaar gemaakte data. Mocht U een aan- of opmerking hebben over de teksten en/of afbeeldingen, dan verzoeken wij u contact op te nemen met de redactie via