
"Verba volant"... in the Industria building, a lot of words have flowed since its opening in 1916. Prominent figures from politics, public administration, business, the arts or science have given speeches and engaged in conversation with their audiences.

At those gatherings, prime ministers (prospective or otherwise), entrepreneurs, CEOs, professors, artists of repute have addressed Club members and their guests. Some examples: head of government Ruud Lubbers, football legend Sjaak Swart, major industrialist Sydney van den Bergh and Euro commissioner Neelie Kroes.

The online Historical Speakers Archive shows who these hundreds of speakers were and what they spoke about. Well over 3,000 meetings have taken place. Consulting the Archive quickly brings insight into a hundred years of spoken word at Dam 27. This heritage is of interest to anyone with an interest in the Club. And for (prospective) speakers, it can be an extra incentive not to get off scot-free when they see the illustrious company they are included in, underlined by the presentation of the Certificate of Appreciation at the end of their talk.

A rich file of speakers

Looking back on more than 100 years of history

Flying dutchmen

Pioneering, organising and integration

Anthony Fokker

Directeur Fokker Nederlandse Vliegtuigenfabriek

Fons Aler

President-directeur KLM

drs. Leo van Wijk

President-directeur KLM

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